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Research projects


Microbio. INNVA1/2020/49

Sistema no invasivo para la caracterización bioquímica, detección de componentes, y reconstrucción biomédica 3D de tejidos biológicos

This project investigates a system for medical imaging and characterization of tissues from the signals of microwave antennas and resonators for the estimation of the dielectric constant of the tissue.

Craneeal. DPI2016-80391-C3-2-R

Sistema predictivo del brain-shift basado en mediciones de distancia no invasivas

In this project, a robotic surgery system for surgical navigation that evaluates the effect of brain-shift is developed.

Race. PID2019-111023RB-C32

Evaluación de las suturas de un sistema robótico para anastomosis

Last. PID2022-138206OB-C32

Aplicación de un gemelo digital a la cirugía laporoscopica de hígado para la detección de sangrados y la replanificación intraoperatoria en tiempo real. 

Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Knowledge transfer actions



Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.


Cippo. CIPROM2022/16

Collaborative Intraoperative path planning for precision robotic neurosurgery.

«If you do something with precision, you do it exactly as it should be done.» This principle is what guides the developments in the research field of Robotic-Assisted Surgery (RAS), performing operations exactly as they should be done and with precision.

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